Projects and initiatives with international collaboration in which we are involved or which we coordinate. These include Horizon2020, Erasmus + or Intelligent Energy Europe projects. We are externally active and openly cooperate with other Green Building Councils in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central America and Latin America.
REN + Homes
European Project
The REN+HOMES project aims to improve and select key technologies (KT) at affordable prices while developing highly replicable technology packages (TP) for Positive Energy Buildings (PEB). These advancements will contribute to the widespread adoption of PEBs and support the EU's sustainability goals.

SMAFIN Expanded
H2020 Project
SMAFIN Expanded aims to create a comprehensive roundtable methodology to enable smart financing of large-scale, deep energy efficiency renovations, primarily in buildings, involving stakeholders from the political, financial, public, business, and academic sectors. The SMAFIN Expanded LIFE project began its journey in October 2023.