UrbanWINS Webinar - towards a circular economy
Wed, Jul 05
What resources are needed to feed the city's activities, how these resources are used and what is the path of energy and materials, but also which of the waste produced can be useful for cities that want to improve their prevention, reduction, and reuse strategies.
Jul 05, 2017, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM GMT+3
How can urban metabolism lead to a circular economy and a more sustainable future for cities?
Cities can be compared to living organisms that consume, digest, and dispose of what is surplus. Understanding what resources are needed to sustain city activities, how these resources are used, the flow of energy and materials, and which of the produced wastes can be useful for cities aiming to improve their prevention, reduction, reuse, recycling, and waste management strategies.
To participate, you can register at urbanwins@iclei.org.
To access the webinar, log in on the day of the event at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/447945509.
The webinar will be conducted in English, with the following program:
12:00 – Welcome and Introduction, Meritxell Díaz, Communications Officer, ICLEI European Secretariat
12:05 – What is urban metabolism and how are UrbanWINS pilot cities planning to use the results of their urban metabolism analysis? Leonardo Rosado, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Water Environment Technology Division, Chalmers University, Sweden
12:25 – Urban metabolism for tourism in Copenhagen. Introduction to the Urban Waste project and waste management in Copenhagen, Line Brogaars, Urban Development, Technical and Environmental Authority, Municipality of Copenhagen
12:45 – What is the circular economy? Estela Grana, Sustainable Economy and Procurement Officer, ICLEI European Secretariat
13:05 – Urban metabolism, a key step towards circular cities, Paul Mul, Sustainability Consultant, Royal HaskoningDHV, Netherlands
13:20 – Questions and Answers