BIM for Green Buildings
Fri, May 15
|Online Event
This course is one of the optional courses for those who want to obtain the "Green Building Professional" certificate.

May 15, 2020, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Online Event
This course is one of the optional courses for those who wish to obtain the "Green Building Professional" certificate.
The step towards 3D and BIM (Building Information Modelling) is very simple and efficient with a tool like Allplan. The course aims to cover methods for creating a proposed 3D building using predefined elements in assistants created for the participants.
The materials used and the organization of installations differentiate green buildings from other constructions. These properties are defined during the creation of 3D objects and are utilized throughout the project in various quantity reports, as well as in the calculation of energy consumption.
The management of attributes behind 3D constructions will be handled by combining Allplan with the BIM Plus platform and Excel, enabling the easy and quick generation of reports and attributes used in the RoGBC Green Homes certification. Finally, the constructed building will be simulated under different geographical positioning, cardinal orientation, and the energy consumption of the building will be generated.
The course is aimed at architects, construction engineers, and energy auditors who are in a process of professional development, wish to significantly reduce working time for energy simulation, and want to be prepared for the BIM standard and green/passive houses, whose characteristics are expected to be mandated by law in the near future.
9:00 am - Coffee & registration
9:30 am - 1:00 pm - Training
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm - Lunch break
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Training
Course prices:
RoGBC Member - 150 RON
Non-RoGBC Member - 200 RON
Student - 80 RON
Course Structure:
Architectural Ensemble – Allplan
- Importing drawings as a work basis.
- Working in Allplan using predefined assistants
- Constructing structural elements on which energy calculations will be based.
- Modifying attributes in Allplan
- Placing finishes in rooms
BIMPlus Attribute Management
- Adding and modifying predefined attributes in Allplan
- Working with BIMPlus and other collaborators
- Adding and modifying attributes through BIMPlus according to RoGBC requirements
- Exporting attributes to Excel and adding or modifying them
- Importing attribute lists into Allplan
Energy Calculation – Energy+ in Allplan
- Automatic retrieval of rooms and envelope elements
- Defining elements and material physics (if applicable)
- Defining calculation zones
- Assigning consumers to rooms
- Simulation calculation of zones and the entire building
Mihail Stancu - Engineer, Certified Allplan Instructor, Instructor at UTCB – Faculty of Installations
Rares-Laurentiu Oprea - Urbanist, Certified Instructor, Instructor at UAUIM – Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Urbanism