Introductory course - LEED Core Concepts
mie., 18 oct.
The course provides essential knowledge of sustainable building concepts that are fundamental to all LEED Green Buildings Rating Systems.
Ora și locul
18 oct. 2017, 00:00 – 01 nov. 2017, 00:00
Despre eveniment
Cursurile LEED sunt disponibile numai în limba engleză, fără traducere în limba română.
The course provides essential knowledge of sustainable building concepts that are fundamental to all LEED Green Buildings Rating Systems. The core of the course presents LEED concepts at the credit category level - across building types and rating systems - touching on strategies, synergies, and specific examples that are reinforced by real project examples.
For those professionals that are interested in becoming a Green Associate, the combination of this course and the LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation course is intended to prepare you for the LEED Green Associate exam.
- RoGBC members - 120 euro
- non-members - 150 euro
Modules The course has been structured as following: 1) Introduction to sustainable building concepts, its benefits and the integrative approach to green building. It includes a brief review about the U.S. Green Building Council and LEED as well as basic concepts of the LEED certification process. 2) Overview of the concepts, strategies, objectives as well as economic and environmental issues related to each of the LEED impact categories. 3) Costs and Benefits of the LEED Certification
The course consists of the following modules:
Module 1: introduction to sustainable practices and the LEED rating system Module 2: The LEED Certification process, the integrative design process and life cycle costing
Module 3: The integrative process credit Module 4: The Location and Transportation Category Module 5: The Sustainable Sites Category Module 6: The Water Efficiency Category Module 7: The Energy and Atmosphere Category Module 8: The Materials and Rescources Category Module 9: The Indoor Environmental Quality Category Module 10: The Innovation and Design and Regional Priority categories Module 11: The costs and benefits of LEED certification Module 12: Next steps
Duration - 3 weeks
Features: 2 online sessions 14 videos 10 videos + PDF with video content (375 minutes of video) 1 Team Task (or group assignment) Questions and Answers Forum Additional resources that are continuously updated.
Required time commitment
A facilitated online course occurs each day at 10:00am until 11:30am. Attendance is highly encouraged but students can view recordings of the session if they are not able to attend.
In total the students will have to take into account that they will need to dedicate 30 hours to this course. This includes watching the videos, participating in the online sessions, participating in the group assignment, reviewing the additional resources and self study. Since the course lasts 3 weeks, they will need to invest +/- 10 hours per week.
Learning objectives
- Describe the structure of the LEED rating system and the basic LEED certification process. - Describe key green building intents and concepts associated with LEED. - Recognize successful LEED strategies and measurements for achieving goals. - Describe the central role of integrative design in sustainable building design, construction, and operations. - Identify and explain synergies between LEED credit categories and strategies. - Participate in a LEED Charette and investigate possibilities for a project to obtain LEED credits.
Recommended prior knowledge - None
Target Audience This course is intended for anyone who wants a more than basic understanding of LEED - including those with a stake in their company's or community's building practices, those directly involved in green building projects, and those pursuing GBCI's LEED Green Associate accreditation.
For more info and registration check out
Teacher´s Bio: Emmanuel Pauwels has been working as a LEED Consultant for the last 6 years on a variety of projects in different European countries. He has also been giving online and live courses on the LEED rating system both in English and Spanish. Over the last 5 years over 750 students participated in his courses helping many of them to become a Green Associate and LEED Accredited Professional.He is currently a teacher in the University of Barcelona, where he is responsible for the LEED related courses, which are part of a post graduate program. Emmanuel is using a social collaboration platform for his online courses allowing him to make the courses a unique and interactive online experience.Qualifications:- Bachelor in Applied Economic Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium- Bachelor in Commercial Engineering, University of Antwerp, Belgium - Continued Education: Sustainable Construction at Harvard University, USA- LEED Accredited Professional BD&C- LEED Accredited Professional O+M- USGBC LEED Faculty