BIMStone |
The BIMStone project intends to create a training tool for specialists in the field of design and construction, starting with the production and development of multimedia materials based on BIM, which also take into account the carbon footprint of natural stone products by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The research was launched in October with the first official meeting of the involved partners at the ”Klesarska Škola” School in Pučišća, located on the island of Brač - Croatia, renowned for the preparation of young people in the field of sculpture and work with natural stone. The project is financed by European Union program Erasmus+ and was initiated by the Romanian Green Building Council Association (RoGBC) and Deutscher Naturwerkstein-Verband E.V - Germany (DNV), which is also the leader of the project; At the same time, there are also involved other partners as Arquitectos Official College of the Region of Murcia (COAMU) - Spain, Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales (CTM) - Spain, Klesarska School Pučišća (KLESARSKA) - Croatia.