ING Proiect Management

We offer our clients complete architectural design services. Our services include feasibility studies, all design phases, preparation of final documentation, site supervision.
Our architects have a rich experience both on the commercial market and in the academic environment. We emphasize the quality of a building to function harmoniously over time, without depleting resources, without destroying the environment and without financial excesses.

ING Project Management covers all specialties of structural design and installations.
Due to our interdisciplinary experience we manage to satisfy the needs of our beneficiaries, in a responsible and ethical way, in relation to the built context, to the client's budget, to the execution costs and to the environment.

Project management is one of the specialized services of our company.
We have multidisciplinary project teams, which use well-defined procedures and the most modern working methods in the field. We do not limit ourselves only to the development of an extremely efficient methodology. We establish all the correct stages and actions and synchronize them in order to be able to respect the deadlines and all the other parameters of the project.
